Revitalize Old Bath Fans to ASHRAE Compliant with a Smart Exhaust Switch

For weatherization agencies and contractors seeking to bring their projects in line with the latest ASHRAE 62.2 ventilation standards, the Smart Exhaust Switch is the ultimate solution—a cutting-edge device that not only guarantees compliance with ASHRAE 62.2 but also offers additional benefits such as earning Energy Star points, ensuring code compliance, and supporting LEED certification. Let’s explore the remarkable advantages of integrating this smart fan timer into your projects and how it can significantly enhance energy efficiency and sustainability when installed.

What is the ASHRAE 62.2 Standard?

The ASHRAE 62.2 Standard is a guideline created by the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) to ensure that residential buildings have adequate ventilation for occupants’ health and safety. This standard specifies the minimum requirements for acceptable indoor air quality in homes.

The ASHRAE 62.2 Standard includes several factors such as controlling moisture levels, reducing pollutants from indoor sources like cooking or smoking, and providing sufficient outdoor air ventilation rates based on occupancy levels.

By integrating this smart timer switch into your projects, you can ensure that your clients’ bathrooms are equipped with a ventilation system that efficiently removes moisture, odors, and pollutants, leading to healthier and more comfortable living environments. The ASHRAE 62.2 compliance of this product demonstrates your commitment to delivering high-quality results that prioritize the well-being of homeowners.

What is the Smart Exhaust Switch?

The Smart Exhaust Switch serves as a convenient replacement for traditional light and fan switches, offering automated control over the exhaust fan’s operation duration. A highly regarded model, the AirCycler SmartExhaust Delay Timer Switch, activates the fan automatically when the light is switched on. 

How do Exhaust Fan Timer Switches work?

Exhaust fan timer switches are designed to ensure that your bathroom exhaust fan runs for a specific amount of time, which is usually enough to eliminate any excess moisture or odors in the room. These devices work by using a combination of hourly ventilation and delay settings, automatically turning on your bathroom’s exhaust fan, and then turning off after a set period of time has passed.

Consider an individual who switches on the bathroom light for 5 minutes, sets the hourly ventilation for 20 minutes, and applies a 10-minute delay timer. Once they exit and turn off the light, the fan will continue running for an additional 10 minutes as per the delay timer, resulting in a total of 15 minutes of operation within that hour. The device’s microprocessor efficiently tracks and ensures that the fan operates for an additional 5 minutes during that specific hour.

Are there any other benefits to using a Smart Exhaust Switch?

Aside from ensuring ASHRAE 62.2 compliance, smart fan timers also offer several other benefits. These devices can help reduce energy consumption by automatically turning off the fan after a set period of time, preventing unnecessary usage and reducing electricity bills.

For contractors involved in projects seeking Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) certification, the Smart Exhaust Switch is an excellent addition to your arsenal of energy-efficient solutions. LEED certification recognizes and rewards sustainable building practices, and this smart fan timer can contribute towards earning LEED points. By recommending or installing products like the Smart Exhaust Bathroom Fan Light Timer Switch, you are showcasing your commitment to sustainable construction and environmentally responsible practices.

These timers also help prolong the lifespan of bathroom fans by limiting their operation to only when needed. This reduces wear and tear on the motor and helps prevent overheating, which can damage the unit.



Adhering to building codes and regulations is paramount for contractors and weatherization agencies. The Smart Exhaust Bathroom Fan Light Timer Switch is engineered to meet the necessary code requirements for ventilation control. By incorporating this code-compliant product into your projects, you can ensure that your work adheres to local regulations, avoiding potential legal complications. The inclusion of a reliable and compliant smart fan timer reflects your professionalism and dedication to providing safe and high-quality solutions to your clients.

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