Need an outside solution to poor insulation on your home? If you’re a fan of easy DIY projects, consider insulating the outside with black foam — an easily installed, quick and efficient sealant.
There are a number of cracks and gaps located inside the home that let the air from outside come in. This can lead to extreme energy loss, which in turn results in higher energy bills. Just as important as sealing air from the inside is applying insulation outside. Pur Black Foam is applied on the outside of the home where necessary to prevent air from leaking out and raising energy costs.
Pur Black Foam is a low expansion, closed cell foam ideal for sealing problematic areas outdoors. Its black color allows it to blend well in outdoor settings. It is commonly used around doors and windows, in basements, and in attics to seal cracks and gaps.
This type of foam is waterproof, which is important for outdoor use when the material has to hold up to the stresses of rain or snow. Pur Black Foam’s color helps it blend with the dark surfaces often found outdoors, but the product is also paintable, allowing you to match it with any other exterior color you may choose.
Pur Black Foam comes in a canister that should be attached to a foam gun for application. The exact foam gun necessary depends on the area being insulated.
For larger areas, a foam gun with a larger opening for application would be best, whereas for sealing smaller areas a foam gun with a smaller opening would be ideal.
Each can produces enough foam to cover 1,200 linear feet with a ½ inch bead. Within 10 minutes it is tack-free, and within 30 minutes it can be trimmed.
Studies show that the average homeowner spends as much as $3,400 in the span of 5 years on energy that is wasted as a result of air leaks. Reducing the amount of air leaks that occur in the home significantly reduces the amount of money spent on them every year.
Also, sealing these leaks allows you to control the way the home feels, as you will have less of a battle to fight with outdoor temperatures. Pur Black Foam allows you to eliminate air leaks from the outside, gain control over home temperatures, and save money on energy bills all at the same time.
How to Use Pur Black Foam
A foam applicator gun is required to apply this foam. Can sizes vary, but you can typically expect a 750 ml canister to provide enough foam to insulate 2,820 cubic inches (or 1,200 linear feet) when dispensed at 1/2″ bead. Within 10 minutes it’s tack free and ready for trimming in 30 minutes.
Where to Use Pur Black Foam
As a closed cell, low expansion, rigid foam, it’s most often used to seal cracks and other small openings from home exteriors. Black foam is generally considered an outdoors sealant because:
- Its black color makes it easily disguisable outdoors
- It never gets dirty (a quality many prefer indoors as well)
- It can stop gas, insects, pests, smoke, water and much more from entering your home
Though this type of foam is usually used outdoors, it can be used in attics, basements, and to seal up doors and windows.
Among the many reasons to use black foam, it:
- Can be purchased for under $20 per unit
- Can be painted and sanded to match surroundings (painting can actually extend its life)
- Resists solvents and water
- Puts up a good fight against getting hard over time
The biggest advantage of using this type of foam is that it properly insulates your home, and that allows you to save money on energy costs while creating a comfortable environment in your home.
You’re getting a high quality product for less than you spend on coffee in a week with this foam; it isn’t just a simple DIY product. Many professionals such as contractors, roofers, and even pest and wildlife control specialists use it to create a properly insulated environment along with stopping bugs and rodents from becoming unwelcome guests.