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Conservation kits comparison chart

Low Flow Showerheads – Find the Best Showerhead for Your Needs

Often people go into a store or online and purchase a showerhead only to realize it is not exactly the best fit for them. Here we have compiled for you a list of our most Read More

Conservation kits comparison chart

Take Baby Steps with Energy & Water Conserservation Kits

The world we live in today is much different than the world our grandparents, and to some extent even our parents, lived in. According to the HCF (Hinkle Charitable Foundation), in 2007 51% of electricity Read More

Conservation kits comparison chart

Calculating Board Feet with Spray Foam Insulation

When applying spray foam insulation it will tell you how much board feet it covers. e.g. two part foam kit for 200 board foot. What does that mean exactly? Will it cover 200 feet? How Read More

Conservation kits comparison chart

Weatherize Your Home: Cheap, Cheaper & Free Ways to Insulate your Windows

In the first installment of this blog we discussed weatherizing your home, starting with checking for air leaks. Now that you’ve found the leaks, you need to cover them up. It would be great if you could do this without paying outrageous prices, right?

Conservation kits comparison chart

Weatherize your Home this Winter: Identify Air Leaks

Allowing air to leak into the home through crevices and cracks may not seem like such a big deal, right? Wrong. Having air leak into your home can add as much as 20% to your heating and cooling bill and bring moisture-filled air inside, increasing the chances of finding mold, condensation, and rot in certain places.

Conservation kits comparison chart

What Is CFL Color Temperature or CRI?

Every year we see an increase in the interest people have in energy efficient products. Among such products is the CFL (Compact Fluorescent Lamp), which is produced to replace. Some might worry that as a result of the CFL not consuming as much energy as the incandescent bulb, the options in brightness as well as color would be fewer. Once an understanding of the CFL color spectrum is gained, you will realize this is far from the truth.

Conservation kits comparison chart

Exterior Door Sweeps are a Cheap Way to Weatherize Your Home

Those who have invested in exterior door sweeps quickly realize its advantages. They are fairly easy to install, and are placed on the bottom of the outer side of exterior doors. This weatherization item is Read More

Conservation kits comparison chart

Dual Flush Tank & Other Cheap Alternatives to Low Flow Toilets

Low flow toilets averaging around 1.6 gallons per minute are a great idea. But the return on investment period is long considering you’ll have to shell out at least $300 between the cost of the Read More

Conservation kits comparison chart

Polyurethane Spray Foam For DIYers

Fixing drafty attics floors, basement walls, and other oddly opened areas has never been easier. What’s in a Spray Foam Kit? Spray foam kits for DIY projects generally consist of foam, instructions, a hose, and Read More

Conservation kits comparison chart

Closed Cell Polyurethane Foam vs. Open Cell Polyurethane Foam

So, what’s the difference? 90% closed cell polyurethane foam, R value of 6.8 The easiest way to think of foam is to think of it liked whipped cream in a can. Two components involved: the Read More