How long do you keep the bathroom fan on after taking a shower? If it is on for less than 20 minutes, mold can build up over time, aggravating respiratory problems such as asthma, and creating a displeasing odor. Consider how many times you leave the fan on for more than 20 minutes. While it is important to properly ventilate this area, it is also important to save energy wherever possible. Whether you require a bath fan timer in a home, school, office, or hotel, the fan light switch allows you to do both.

Installing a light and fan switch for the bathroom is as simple as connecting the bathroom light and the exhaust fan to the switch. Most timers include settings that when flipped on, the switch activates the light and exhaust fan. When flipped to the timed position (sometimes referred to as delay), the light will cut off while the fan remains on. Most light fan switches can be adjusted to run the fan for as long as 60 minutes.
Not all bathroom fan timers are made the same. For example, the Intermatic light fan switch is completely manual, similar to a kitchen timer, while the AirCycler light fan switch is digital, offering ventilation and delay settings. With digital timers, flipping the timer to the off position will cut off both the fan and the light. However different they may be, a fan light switch is manufactured for use in a variety of applications, such as with lights, exhaust fans, and heat lamps.
Operating the bathroom exhaust fan allows the room to be clear of moisture, which can cause problems over time. The problem many people run into is that the fan does not run long enough, it runs too long, or the exhaust fan switch is connected to the light switch, cutting both off or keeping both on. A fan light switch which connects to the light switch allows you to properly ventilate the bathroom without wasting energy.